Sign up for the beta version for this and you can do lots of things with your pics online. The link is down below so go check it out.
Feb 28, 2009
Sprout Builder - Create living content.
Sprout is the quick and easy way for anyone to build, publish, and manage widgets, mini-sites, mashups, banners and more. Any size, any number of pages. Include video, audio, images and newsfeeds and choose from dozens of pre-built components and web services.
Feb 26, 2009
This is a great site for people who upload files to share or just to store them online. I myself use rapidshare and always would have liked to use megaupload as well, but the uploading process can be a long process and get you very frustrated and make you want to throw your computer like a football. But with this you can upload your files to several sites all from with in the Gazup site. There are several file host to upload the files to so if you don't currently have an account at all the host locations go to each and make an account so you can have every single file hosts links for all your files which would make you a big hit in the file sharing or forum scene.Click here to get there .
CastTV is a video search engine designed to find all your favorite online videos: from TV shows to movies, celebrity, news, sports and viral videos. CastTV search video sites from YouTube, to iTunes, and everything in between, to find the videos that matter to you. Click here if you want to go there now.
This will allow you to share and discover links with your friends or strangers in real time this site is in its public beta as well so check it out.
Tonido - Privacy and Online Freedom
Tonido allows you to run your own personal web applications on your desktop and form your own private network. Applications and data are always local. Its in the beta version but sign up is free so click on the link below to go there.
Tonido - Privacy and Online Freedom
Feb 25, 2009
Marvel Super Heroes Photo Album
This is another one of my albums full of Marvel Super Heroes which I though someone out there ought to like so go ahead and check it out.
Feb 24, 2009
Simpsons Photo Album
This is another photo album with photos of the Simpsons and there are a few in the album. I personally don't really watch the show but i did when it first came out but i know there are many fans out there who may enjoy this and if your one of them view the full album and enjoy.
This is a photo album of a bunch of photos of different guns. There are guns that I have never seen before and for damn sure never shot before so if you like guns then you may want to view the full album and I think you can download the album as a .zip file as well so enjoy.
Feb 22, 2009
Zoho Office Suite
This is a perfect replacement for the Office Suite from Microsoft for lots of reasons but the main one is the fact that its free. This is a web based office suite and it looks to me like they have just about everything that Office 2007. So if you need an Office Suite this may be the one for you check it out here.
Vunky Search
This is a cool site that you can search and learn how to do amazing things in Photoshop. So if you need a Photoshop tutorial then this would be a great place for you to look.
Feb 21, 2009 –No more phone menus
This is a cool website where they somehow take away the frustration of those annoying touch tone menus that can make you really want to shoot someone especially if they keep on wanting you to repeat yourself over and over. Then they also say I cannot understand your input can you please repeat that over and over again and the next thing you know your slamming your phone in the nearest solid object. Well this should ease the phone slamming a little since its supposed to get you automatically through the touch tone part and get you to where you exactly need to be so check it out the link is down below.
Google Reader
I thought I would post this to my blog because I think its a great thing that google has created. It makes it so simple to get all your feeds in one site and may become the only page you need to go to while your online. If you want to see what its about for yourself check it out and at it to your google account or sign up for an account for free here.
Feb 20, 2009
Windows Live Sync
This is something that I didn't really know existed until a few days ago. I always search Microsoft websites but I never seen this program but have seen other like it like Live Mesh. But I believe that Live Mesh runs on cloud computing and I don't think the sync program here is on that. But this does sync your folders to the net to share with others which is what everything is letting you do it seems like. Get it here.
Feb 19, 2009
Make 3D-Out of your own photo
This is a cool site where you can upload your own photos and make them 3D. This is especially cool if you have lots of picas of buildings or other better visual pics. You have to sign up for the account which is free to upload your files. Check it out here.
God Of War 3 Trailers
The best video game on any console is soon to be this game. It look amazing how real it look and the technology there are using to achieve this what is supposed to really set the Playstation 3 apart from any of its competition. Below i posted all three trailers so check them out and see for yourself and now i really need to get me a PS3 this game looks like its going to please just like the two before it.
Trailer 3
Trailer 2
Trailer 1
Voyage RSS Reader
This is a RSS reader but with a 3D touch that gives the reads a way cooler look. Check it out here
This website is like a Stumbleupon for music which will try and help you to discover new music. I think its a great idea since sometimes it sucks listening to the same music over and over. So check this out if you need some new music to go download from where ever it is (ex;limewire) you download it from. Click here to go there.
Feb 18, 2009
Blogging for dummies-PDF
This is a good book if your trying to or already running a blog. I myself was first not into the blog thing but damn thing to do online so what the hell I said to myself and this blog was Well if your a fellow dummy or just need some guidance you can get the book here.
Double Wires-Great Game
This is just a simple game but it caught my attention and I was stuck on it for a while. Its seems easier then it is cuz it makes you feel like a big lop with extremely long hands but its just a simple idea that can entertain you while online. Check it out here
Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
This is for those of you out there who need to express what’s on your mind and basically share your thoughts without having to let the world know everything like on a blog. This will store all you thoughts so no one else can see them and takes care of your need of paper and a pen and especially no need for a diary with that lock that everyone can break open. So check it out
Penzu : Free Private Journal and Diary
Blogger Templates
Blogger Templates
MeeMix, Free Internet Radio that gets you.
Listen to Online Radio for free. MeeMix, Free Internet Radio that gets you. Your mood. Your station.
This is a music playing sharing etc. type of website that is pretty cool. These days with so many websites and blogs out there its amazing anyone gets discovered and gains millions of hits. I have been doing this blog not for to long and have about 30 posts almost and I haven't got one hit yet. I know cuz I checked on and they clowned my ass and let me know not DAMN SOUL has been to my blog. But that was off topic so check out that radio site and let me know what you think. right here
This is a cool site where you can put all your favorite stuff on a page and share it with everyone. To join is free and signing up is hella easy with only a simple form to fill out. It has the usual profile categories but the layout is really cool compared to other sites in this category. I think its something I may actually return to and sign on once in a while and you may to so check it out here.
Feb 17, 2009
Harry Potter Fonts
If you like to add additional fonts to your collection on your computer then this is something you may want. I think these are really cool and there are several different fonts included inside the file so if you would like to get these for your own use then click here and go type away with a Harry Potter touch.
The Theme on this blog
If you like this theme on my blog which I think is pretty cool and one of the best ones that I have seen compared to the usual blogger layouts. I don't really remember where exactly I found it but if you like it download it for your own blog.
Stumble if your bored
Everyone comes to the point where they get bored online and checking your e-mail for the hundreth time just aint cutting it. Stumbleupon is a great way to get rid of your boredom and discover new sites that other users like yourself thought were interesting. You can sign up and become a member for free or use the online toolbar with the option of installing it or using the online toolbar. You can set filters so you can discover a certain site of your choice and suggest site yourself for others to see. Whatever it is boredom online will no longer be a headache or problem for you as long as your ready to stumble thorough the web.
Word Slinger
This is a great word game for any out there that like word games. At first I didnt really understand it but you can really get hooked into the creating of words and linking other words to words that build you higher to the next level. So play for yourself here and see if you get into it..
Cool Gears of War Zune
This is one of the best or it is the best Zune that I have seen but the price is very expensive. I dont think when they made the Zunes they thought of beating Apple in maybe the price range gategory. This special edition is awesome especially for major gamer fans who may also be zune fans but I have a good feeling these are going to be a rare site to see since I have never seen anyone but myself use a Zune. They really have came a long way from the software to the Zune itself and if they keep on adding features I think they are really on to something but the price should be lowered to really get them into the compettion. More information on the Gears of War Zune here.
Feb 16, 2009
Eva Longoria
Feb 15, 2009
P.O.D- Going in Blind
Destroy Your Web Page
Feb 14, 2009
How fast can you type? Find out here
PSP Themes
Feb 12, 2009
These are all of the wallpapers I have collected over time so take a look and see if u like anything.
Marilyn Monroe Pics
This is one folder that is full of Marilyn pics some that I have never seen before from movie screen test as well as the playboy photos. Just click above on the view full album and it will show you all of them and I believe you can even download it as a folder with all the pics inside. So take a look and enjoy.
Share all your Digital Content Free
This is a great site that lets you share all of your digital content with all your family and friends. It lays it out on a nice webpage for you and it comes with 10gb free which is amazing. It also does faxing and tons of other features. Check it out and sign up here.
Fences- Desktop Icons Organizer
This is a app that will help you clean up and organize your desktop and all those icons. Its called fences and its from Stardock. It lets you put your icons in groups or inside certain fences with other icons in the same category just go here to check it out and see if its for you. Also I believe it works with XP, Vista, and the screen shows it on Windows 7 as well.
Slacker Radio
This is one of the best online radio players I have used and its free which makes it better
Slacker is a free personalized radio service featuring over
100 expert-programmed genre stations and the ability to create
your own perfect stations. To get started, pick your favorite
type of music or search for your favorite artist or song.
They also have this cool music player that you can load with songs of your choice from the website and it saves the stations to the player you can check here if you want more info on the player.
Online Clock
There is this cool clock I saw online I could figure out how to embed it in this actual page so here goes the link.
Ciara-Never Ever With Young Jeezy
This song sucks but damn the bitch can move her body like a mother f#cker. Its worth watching it for just her the volume can be lowered unless like me I guess the song sounds less worse the more you listen to it. But either way check it out.
Live Mesh
For those who haven’t heard of this its really something interesting. Its an online app and you can also download an app for your desktop but it basically lets you sync you mobile phone with files from your mac or pc and stores them up in the cloud. Here is the link to get started and I have placed a few pics for a few examples.
Feb 2, 2009
Friday Night Light T.V. Show
For anyone out there that don’t watch this show I recommend you start. I don’t watch much t.v. myself but this show I have got hooked on and thanks to N.B.C you can watch all the episodes online for free. So if you want to catch up just like I did its not to late and I really think you will enjoy this show. I didn't really care for the movie but the show I can say is nothing like that. Highly recommend you watch this if you want to start now go here and watch now.